Customized Training Programs

  • Sales Training

  • Customer Service Training

  • Team Training

  • Manager Training

    Myers-Briggs Assessment and Training Certified

Invest in your team

You are a leader. You have a vision, you innovate, you are focused on success, you and your team are working hard driving towards a goal. You are good at what you do. To reach your goals, you know you need to invest time and resources to enhance the development, training and education of your team. That is important to you, but who has time for that? You are working so hard with the daily responsibilities of reaching that success; there is no time to focus on employee education and development.

That is why you need me. I bring out the best in people so that they can reach their full potential.

Talent development is a critical ingredient for your business, whether you are a start-up or an established business looking to continue and enhance the growth and development of your team.  Working closely with you, my approach is to fully understand your company’s goals and objectives. With this knowledge, I customize training programs to support enhanced communications and success for your customer service, sales, management and leadership teams.  My workshops and sessions are energetic, fun, informative, and leave your team inspired to reach for their full potential.

Curious to know what Jacobucci Consulting brings to your organization? Immerse yourself in a preview of the captivating talks and presentations. Click the link below to access a curated selection of samples that showcase Barb's expertise, passion, and unique approach.